Find your flow

Welcome to Abir's transformative yoga classes, where mindful movement meets the wisdom of stillness. Abir teaches in the SmartFLOW method, a unique approach that celebrates the innate intelligence of flowing movement and the centering gifts of stillness. Each class seamlessly blends classical yoga traditions with modern anatomical insights, offering a balanced practice that honors tradition while embracing innovation.

Teaching Style

Abir’s teaching style is grounded in both modern anatomy and classical yoga philosophy to create awareness and strength in the body, focus and curiosity in the mind, as well as a sense of presence and kindness. Her approach aims to inspire students to commit to the journey of yoga, which does not necessarily have an end point and is not focused on perfection. Rather, working with movement principles as a means of instructing asana creates an atmosphere of exploration and self-inquiry as students are guided along a continuum of movement away from centre, and the return to centre. Yoga practice becomes a means of exploring and knowing oneself.

Class Schedule







10-11am 9.45-10.45am


5 class pass - £60

Drop in - £13.50

“Yoga is the ultimate practice. It simultaneously stimulates our inner light and quiets our overactive minds. It is both energy and rest.”

Elise Joan

Ready to join us on the mat?

Reserve your spot now and experience the transformative power of yoga with Abir.